Thursday, October 9, 2008

Too Tired?

Feel So weird theSe 2 days..
KiNda diffErent ThINkInG theSe 2 dAys...
Like FeeL haviNG moRe MatuRe AcTioN..

Or I'M juz too TireD?
diD i Changed?
They say i looK like tired n diN talK..
Nt Reali TiRed Ba..
Juz MeNTally trYing to fAce the probLem..

DuNno how to descriBE le..
SaW a FeW Ep of Journey to the West...
The POints in it reali motivated me..
Or mayb it's a sign from God...
mayb It's time for mE to chanGe my bad habIts..
n AttiTudes?
Mayb Ba..

OnlY lefT 24 days..
Can I reali do iT?
wiLL i AchieVe what I wan?
No paiN no gAin...
who KnoWs? OnLY God KNow.........

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