Sunday, October 26, 2008

Suddenly wanna write my feelings...

Suddenly very sad..
Tears Drop from my cheek n wet my clothes...
i reali DunO how can I OverCome tis

Action SpeAks loudEr tHaN words...
I HAD been Noe tiS VEry lONG Ago..
But what hAv i diD?
I Seems tat i did nothing!
Always said wanna study hard...
i only left one week for it..
n i still like blur of every sub....

stresss out .............
tears drop as i wrote tis...
heart feels like being stabbed..
the prob is...
how can i help myself?
should i interchange my life?
day change to nite...
n nite change to day

mayb i should do tat.
but the truth is..........
i only hav 1 more week to prepare..
Wil it be useless?
suDdEnly a flash in my mind..
1 person always told me tat we ned to be hardworking if u reali wanna achieve it
i had never been do it although i noe it

Nth i can Do le.....
Reali FrEAked out..

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