Thursday, October 16, 2008

ReAli HAte hiM dE !!!!!!

caN soME1 Tel Me y?
What I Do is jUz for his own Gud...
He Juz Look LiKE so so so so lan c....
Like a KiND of FacE tat y I'm so annOYing foR him?
PAreNTs alWays ask Me to Take CarE of His AcAdemIc?

cOme on........My foRecaSt edI liKE tat lO.....
what I StILL Do for HiM?
I OnlY can HElp him Some siMPly THings..
I reaLi waNna Help Him De....
Bt EvEn me alSo in diFficuTies...
WhAT CaN i Do???

WhAt cAn I Do If I ReaLi can't Go OverSeas???
AltHough I'm afraiD of it, I ThINk That i'm StilL nt reaLI hardworKiNg enUf..
n SUmOre I NEd to carE foR his StUff???
N He's GiViNG Me thOse unBelievablE facEs......
tiRed De LEh....
I jUz HoPE foR TER70 la...
I noE WHere Is mY liMits de....
i caN't do AnythiNg noW, Even HimseLf ALso duN Care BouT it...ok?

So......duN ask Me Do anYThiNgs of It le....
i NoE me Also Wil SuFfer if He diN Get a avErage reSult.
I reALi cAN't do anythiNg le...
I 'm vEry sorry...

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