Friday, August 15, 2008

VerY StrESs...

SuddEnly dun hope to become big girl...
dun wanna be 18....
thiNGs change, as our Age getting elder..
mayb u guys r right...
silbling dun noe of our gud..
bt i might nt be a gud sis either...

some1 said i dun care about my bro's matter..
said i lead him to something bad..
even myself..i can't handle my things properly..
what i can said to him i edi said...
what can i still do with tat?

said me selfish.....dun care bout his academic.......
even himself also dun care...u noe?
i'm edi fed up..he doesn't even care what i said to him.
if he reali dun like to study...
juz let it's too late...............
if now only start revising , it's reali too late 4 him.........
in fact, he won't.

my studies edi very bad now...
u said me do assignment then results sure wil be gud..
both of u dunno what i'm facing..
dunno what i'm doing..
dunno anythin about what i need to do..
i putting effort in my assignments so that it wil helps my TER

u know?i juz dun wan waste time n money..
if i fail or din't get what i wan in Uni, i wil be dead.
that's large amount of money...
i dun wan to retake

mayb i reali dun manage things time, my stuffs..
i noe it's my fault..
i noe both of u tired of ur business n still ned take care us.
bt i'm the one who only helps of the hseworks......
mayb it's little, bt at least i'm doin something.
suddenLy reali stress.....

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