Friday, August 22, 2008

CAn someone tell me why?

am i really tat bad?
where is all my motivation?
why i am that lazy?
how come do anything also won't success?
am i really tat useless?
mayb i am.
why there are ppl that so hardworking?
while i am not one of them?

where should i find all my motivation?
where did they gone?
dun understand..
rain edi...
so cold..alone doin nth..
sometimes i ned some1 help de lo....
dun juz depend on me to do everything.
he had to help too..

bt y alwayz u guys think that i din do the housework
he's the one din do.
so young edi tired of life..
so young edi duno how to continue...
what can i do?
i'm still like a small kid
duno how to think.
if i am mature enough..
i wil be damn gud now..
whatever..can i really make up my mind tis time?
can i really do it?

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