Friday, August 22, 2008

CAn someone tell me why?

am i really tat bad?
where is all my motivation?
why i am that lazy?
how come do anything also won't success?
am i really tat useless?
mayb i am.
why there are ppl that so hardworking?
while i am not one of them?

where should i find all my motivation?
where did they gone?
dun understand..
rain edi...
so cold..alone doin nth..
sometimes i ned some1 help de lo....
dun juz depend on me to do everything.
he had to help too..

bt y alwayz u guys think that i din do the housework
he's the one din do.
so young edi tired of life..
so young edi duno how to continue...
what can i do?
i'm still like a small kid
duno how to think.
if i am mature enough..
i wil be damn gud now..
whatever..can i really make up my mind tis time?
can i really do it?

Friday, August 15, 2008

VerY StrESs...

SuddEnly dun hope to become big girl...
dun wanna be 18....
thiNGs change, as our Age getting elder..
mayb u guys r right...
silbling dun noe of our gud..
bt i might nt be a gud sis either...

some1 said i dun care about my bro's matter..
said i lead him to something bad..
even myself..i can't handle my things properly..
what i can said to him i edi said...
what can i still do with tat?

said me selfish.....dun care bout his academic.......
even himself also dun care...u noe?
i'm edi fed up..he doesn't even care what i said to him.
if he reali dun like to study...
juz let it's too late...............
if now only start revising , it's reali too late 4 him.........
in fact, he won't.

my studies edi very bad now...
u said me do assignment then results sure wil be gud..
both of u dunno what i'm facing..
dunno what i'm doing..
dunno anythin about what i need to do..
i putting effort in my assignments so that it wil helps my TER

u know?i juz dun wan waste time n money..
if i fail or din't get what i wan in Uni, i wil be dead.
that's large amount of money...
i dun wan to retake

mayb i reali dun manage things time, my stuffs..
i noe it's my fault..
i noe both of u tired of ur business n still ned take care us.
bt i'm the one who only helps of the hseworks......
mayb it's little, bt at least i'm doin something.
suddenLy reali stress.....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's useless !

u hate me?
alright..tat's alright for me now.
I have been alwayz protect u from being scolded..
from being canned...
what i have now?
u Hate me....................
I 'm the one bad temper?
is tat suppose to be u?
can u be more mature?
come on..ur life is only games, sleep, eat..
what else?
U seems like never have any worries in ur life.....
u dun worry ur results, dun worry about ur parents..
Even dun worry n have some concern of me..
I have lots and lots of assignments...
homeworks....It wil be annoying 4 me too...

Do u realize how it feels?
i'm nt top student..i'm nt tat brililant..............
i need to think..think very hard compare to someone else...
i ned to put effort on it..
i'm nt u............

can u juz think on my side?
if U think i'm annoying.......
Better hope i won'T care bout u anymore?