Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WhAT Is Going ON?

Duno why...
I ReaLLy can'T coMMunicAte wif Him..
SuMTiMEs We Seems tO Be so ClOSe...
Bt We also Can BE eAsily In ArguMent..

whY ?
I reALLy duNo..
HE suppOse To be Put MorE RespEct to me!
Am i REally tHAt bad?
damN it..

I duno Why He Can be tHAt big temPEr..
CoME on..................
It'S jUZ A smAll maTTer...
does It ReallY wortH To beiNg so rude to Me?
Do yoU reaLIze whAt is SistEr mEan to u?
Or I'm juz USeLEsS N mean noThiNG to you..

thiNGs HAppeneD proVE that I'm noT importanT to You !
MEaningless To yoU......
WhY shOuld I help u When u r In tRuoBLe?
why SHould i ProTect YoU?
why shoUld I carE about you?

It's JUZ SiMPly.......................
my onlY broThEr.........

and theSe sAcRifiCes dOn't haV Any rePAy.....
OnLy sAdNEss.........................................

1 comment:

scandalmonger said...

Joyce: Sometimes i oso be very angry with my brothers. But after awhile, good again. Coz blood is more concentrated than water!! Quarelling only show u still hv feelings about each other, if dun k bout each other, dun even bother to talk, rite? U r lucky to hv a sibling tat very near ur age, treasure the luv!! hehe..gt anything we here all support u dee.

iris: i am sure dat ur a gud sis..
myb he not realize dat yet..

yeng: me n my bro also argue until take less at home... but i think now separate awhile will be better lo... i also have hard time communicate with my bro... haiz... i just let it be... hehe