Saturday, September 20, 2008

Love is not everything...

sAw the drama Of mooNLigHT ResOnanCe...
What hE said is reali true..
Come on.. Love is not Everything iN ur liFe..
有feel 唔係大晒
EvEn gt feel on him, So ??
Is it reali a big mattER?
sure Is familY comEs 1st..
somE ppl migHT be very 索...
bt dun use thAt n do something nt worth de..
it's a great Gift froM God...

tis statement more geNG la...
some Ppl might think tat love is every thing, every part of their life
bt there is still many many alot stuffs more meaningful can do.
i reali dun expect tat anymore..
THere is a period of tIme for u to sad..
buT aftEr tat period....
JuZ staNd up agAin n have another commitment.
I hopE tat fRens out tHEre tat sAd of break up..
or SomethiNg about loVe de..
I really hopE thEy wil nOe, understand..
tHere is limited time for u to sad only..
Life Still NEd to Go on..