Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WhAT Is Going ON?

Duno why...
I ReaLLy can'T coMMunicAte wif Him..
SuMTiMEs We Seems tO Be so ClOSe...
Bt We also Can BE eAsily In ArguMent..

whY ?
I reALLy duNo..
HE suppOse To be Put MorE RespEct to me!
Am i REally tHAt bad?
damN it..

I duno Why He Can be tHAt big temPEr..
CoME on..................
It'S jUZ A smAll maTTer...
does It ReallY wortH To beiNg so rude to Me?
Do yoU reaLIze whAt is SistEr mEan to u?
Or I'm juz USeLEsS N mean noThiNG to you..

thiNGs HAppeneD proVE that I'm noT importanT to You !
MEaningless To yoU......
WhY shOuld I help u When u r In tRuoBLe?
why SHould i ProTect YoU?
why shoUld I carE about you?

It's JUZ SiMPly.......................
my onlY broThEr.........

and theSe sAcRifiCes dOn't haV Any rePAy.....
OnLy sAdNEss.........................................

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A SiLEnt NigHT?

SuDdenlY Lot OF Stuff on my mInd..
MAke Me cOuLd nT sLeep weLL...

The niGHT iS sooo SiLEnt....
whY i'm ActIng LIke TAt?
I'm tryiNG TO shOW HIm That i'm LiViNg Very GUd....
WiToUt HiM..It SEEms TO be wHat?
DoeS it senSe that i Din FoRget boUT Him Or WhAt?

In My Very DeeP HEARt, i NOe tHat he Mean NOthing to Me..
JUZ ThAt mayb ThaT Is very HUrt....
UnTIL I hav To pRoof him That He mAde a WroNG deciSion.
mAn...TIS souNds so CRiTISm..

We HAve To Look FoRWArd..
OUr FuTURe...
THEre iS more Thing FoR Me to ConCErn about..
that Wound Wil BE recovER when U fiNd OnE PErson
JUz the MAttEr of Time..